Table of Contents

Nucleus Ambiguus (AMB)

The AMB is a major efferent nucleus of the vagus (cranial nerve X), which provides efferent chronotropic (rate) and/or inotropic (contractile strength) control of the heart.

Image and Location

Neurosynth: No images available (too few mentions in publications.)

Haines atlas: Lower medulla


Searches so far:

(solitarius OR solitary nucleus) AND review (solitarius OR solitary nucleus) AND connectivity (solitarius OR solitary nucleus) AND fMRI

Most important references

Endnote Package Library (with PDFs)



Major inputs include the solitary nucleus (NTS) ; (Spyer 1982)


* Direct innervation of the parasympathetic ganglia in the heart


Summary list

Autonomic reflexes: Baroreceptor reflex

Cardiovascular function: Central regulation of heart rate and contraction via cholinergic innervation of the heart


Studies activating


Coordinates (x, y, z): [0, 0, 0] , [0, 0, 0] No coordinates from published studies. Coordinates derived from anatomical landmarks and functional localization in published studies.

Specific study coordinates (if not too many)

Study Description x y z
Topolovec 2004 Contrast Descrip ~ ~ ~
Komisaruk 2002 Contrast Descrip ~ ~ ~

List of Studies

Specific, key studies

Study list: Coordinate based

Neurosynth results for coordinate(s)

<list studies here from Neurosynth database>