====== Nucleus Tractus Solitarius (NTS) ====== The NTS is a longitudinal structure in the medulla best known for carrying afferent taste (special visceral afferent) information, but it is also a major processing station for ascending visceral information from throughout the body, and it plays an important role in neuro-immune loops and autonomic reflexes. Major functions include taste and cardiac control. ===== Image and Location ===== Neurosynth: No images available (too few mentions in publications.) {{::topolovec_2004_2.jpg|Topolovec_2004}} {{ ::komisaruk_2002.jpg?400|komisaruk_2002}} {{:topolovec_2004.jpg?600 |topolovec_2004}} {{ ::lower_medulla.png?700 |Haines atlas: Lower medulla}} ===== Searches ===== === Searches so far: === (solitarius OR solitary nucleus) AND review (solitarius OR solitary nucleus) AND connectivity (solitarius OR solitary nucleus) AND fMRI === Most important references === (classic papers, best papers) APA 5th format from Endnote, e.g., Fields, H. L. (2000). Pain modulation: expectation, opioid analgesia and virtual pain.Progress in brain research, 122, 245-253. === Link to Endnote === {{:sample_endnote_library.enlp.zip|Endnote Package Library (with PDFs)}} ===== Structure ===== ==== Inputs ==== Major afferent vagal nucleus in the dorsal vagal complex, along with the area postrema (AP) and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMN-X) (Leslie 1986) Peripheral inputs include: * Cranial nerves VII, IX and X (taste and visceral inputs) * Chemoreceptors and Baroreceptors in aorta/carotid arteries * Lung stretch receptors * Autonomic afferents from the GI tract and mucus membranes * Chemically and mechanically sensitive neurons with endings located in the heart, lungs, airways, gastrointestinal system, and liver (via IX and X) Cortical/subcortical inputs include: * Medial prefrontal cortex (mainly infra limbic); (Neafsey 1986) ==== Outputs ==== * paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus * central nucleus of the amygdala * parabrachial area and other visceral motor or respiratory networks--GI and gustatory Also projects to other brainstem nuclei to implement vagal reflexes and other functions (Ross et al., 1985), including: * topographic projection to rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) * caudal ventrolateral medulla (baroreceptor reflex) * retrofacial nucleus * nucleus ambiguus ===== Functions ===== ==== Summary list ==== Autonomic reflexes: gag reflex, carotid sinus reflex, aortic reflex, cough reflex, the baroreceptor and chemoreceptor reflexes, several respiratory reflexes and regulation of GI motility and secretion. Cardiovascular function: substance P, angiotensin II (Leslie 1986) GI regulation: dopamine, endorphins, CCK (Leslie 1986) === Other === ===== Studies activating ===== ==== Coordinates ==== **Coordinates (x, y, z):** [0, 0, 0] , [0, 0, 0] No coordinates from published studies. Coordinates derived from anatomical landmarks and functional localization in published studies. **Specific study coordinates** (if not too many) ^ Study ^ Description ^ x ^ y ^ z ^ | Topolovec 2004 | Contrast Descrip | ~ | ~ | ~ | | Komisaruk 2002 | Contrast Descrip | ~ | ~ | ~ | ==== List of Studies ==== === Specific, key studies === === Study list: Coordinate based === Neurosynth results for coordinate(s)