====== Paraventricular ====== **See also: \\ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypothalamus\\ http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Hypothalamus** ===== Image and Location ===== http://www.psycheducation.org/emotion/pics/big%20hypothalamus.htm from Donkelaar & Hori (2011){{::fulltext_25_.pdf|}} {{:hypothalamus1.png?700|}} "The paraventricular nucleus forms an elongated plate of neurons close to the third ventricle and contains some 25,000 vasopressinergic neurons and 21,000 oxytocinergic neurons (Wierda et al. 1991; van der Woude et al. 1995). The vasopressinergic neurons are larger than the oxytocinergic cells (Dierickx and Vandesande 1979). The hormones are transported via the hypothalamohypophysial tract and released into blood vessels of both the infundibulum and the neurohypophysis. In patients in which a hypophysectomy was performed as palliative treatment of hormone-dependent metastatic mamma carcinoma, Morton (1969) found an average loss of supraoptic and paraventricular neurons of more than 80%. The neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei form a population of extremely stable cells in normal ageing and Alzheimer disease (Swaab et al. 1993; Swaab 1997)." (Donkelaar & Hori, 2011) \\ \\ from Saleem et al. (2007) * NOTE: __in this figure, VM and DM should be switched.__ {{::1087.full.pdf|}} {{::hypothalamus2.png?400|}} Neurosynth structure image: N/A Neurosynth connectivity image: seed at (0, 0, -8) {{::pvn_coactivation.png|}} ===== Searches ===== === Searches so far: === **word** [search_in] and/or/not_operators **word** [all] e.g., RVM [all] and Fields [author] === Most important references === === Link to Endnote === ===== Structure ===== ==== Inputs ==== Name, and code Strength (L, M, H), Confidence (L, M, H), Transmitter(s) ==== Outputs ==== Name, and code Strength (L, M, H), Confidence (L, M, H), Transmitter(s) ===== Functions ===== ==== Summary list ==== ==== Function Area 1 [Name] ==== === Effects of stimulation === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Effects of lesions/inactivation === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Effects of microinjection === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Optogenetics === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Other === ==== Function Area 2 [Name] ==== === Effects of stimulation === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Effects of lesions/inactivation === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Effects of microinjection === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Optogenetics === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Other === ===== Studies activating ===== ==== Coordinates ==== **Coordinates (x, y, z):** [3, 0, -9] , [-2, 0, -9] based on anatomical data {{::paraventricular_hypoth.png?300|}} **Specific study coordinates** (if not too many) ^ Study ^ Description ^ x ^ y ^ z ^ | 1st Author Name 20xx | Contrast Descrip | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 1st Author Name 20xx | Contrast Descrip | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 1st Author Name 20xx | Contrast Descrip | 0 | 0 | 0 | ==== List of Studies ==== === Specific, key studies === === Study list: Coordinate based === __**Neurosynth results for coordinate(s)**__ __Title; Author; Journal; Year; PMD__ 24-Month effect of smoking cessation on cognitive function and brain structure in later life Almeida OP; Garrido GJ; Alfonso H; Hulse G; Lautenschlager NT; Hankey GJ; Flicker L NeuroImage 2011 21281718 A combined [11C]diprenorphine PET study and fMRI study of acupuncture analgesia Dougherty DD; Kong J; Webb M; Bonab AA; Fischman AJ; Gollub RL Behavioural Brain Research 2008 18562019 A Computational Morphometric MRI Study of Schizophrenia: Effects of Hallucinations Cerebral Cortex 2002 12427683 A functional MRI study of happy and sad affective states induced by classical music Mitterschiffthaler MT; Fu CH; Dalton JA; Andrew CM; Williams SC Human Brain Mapping 2007 17290372 A meta-analysis of instructed fear studies: implications for conscious appraisal of threat Mechias ML; Etkin A; Kalisch R NeuroImage 2010 19786103 A meta-analytic study of changes in brain activation in depression Fitzgerald PB; Laird AR; Maller J; Daskalakis ZJ Human Brain Mapping 2008 17598168 A Neural Correlate of Reward-Based Behavioral Learning in Caudate Nucleus: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of a Stochastic Decision Task Haruno M; Kuroda T; Doya K; Toyama K; Kimura M; Samejima K; Imamizu H; Kawato M Journal of Neuroscience 2004 14973239 Abnormal cortical activity in patients with temporomandibular disorder evoked by cognitive and emotional tasks Weissman-Fogel I; Moayedi M; Tenenbaum HC; Goldberg MB; Freeman BV; Davis KD PAIN 2011 21167644 Action relationships concatenate representations of separate objects in the ventral visual system Roberts KL; Humphreys GW NeuroImage 2010 20580845 Activation of Area MT/V5 and the Right Inferior Parietal Cortex during the Discrimination of Transient Direction Changes in Translational Motion Martinez-Trujillo JC; Cheyne D; Gaetz W; Simine E; Tsotsos JK Cerebral Cortex 2007 17012375 Activation of central sympathetic networks during innocuous and noxious somatosensory stimulation Maihofner C; Seifert F; Decol R NeuroImage 2011 21126587 Activation of the hypothalamus characterizes the response to acupuncture stimulation in heroin addicts Liu S; Zhou W; Ruan X; Li R; Lee T; Weng X; 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