Table of Contents

Region Name

Creating an entry: Getting started (remove this once you've completed an entry)

Summary (2-3 sentences here).

Image and Location

Neurosynth structure image:

Neurosynth connectivity image:


Searches so far:

word [search_in] and/or/not_operators word [all] e.g., RVM [all] and Fields [author]

Most important references

(classic papers, best papers) APA 5th format from Endnote, e.g.,

Fields, H. L. (2000). Pain modulation: expectation, opioid analgesia and virtual pain.Progress in brain research, 122, 245-253.

Endnote Package Library (with PDFs)



Name, and code Strength (L, M, H), Confidence (L, M, H), Transmitter(s)


Name, and code Strength (L, M, H), Confidence (L, M, H), Transmitter(s)


Summary list

Function Area 1 [Name]

Effects of stimulation

Effects of lesions/inactivation

Effects of microinjection



Function Area 2 [Name]

Effects of stimulation

Effects of lesions/inactivation

Effects of microinjection



Studies activating


Coordinates (x, y, z): [0, 0, 0] , [0, 0, 0] Say how overall coordinates were derived here (single study? average? structural landmark?)

Specific study coordinates (if not too many)

Study Description x y z
1st Author Name 20xx Contrast Descrip 0 0 0
1st Author Name 20xx Contrast Descrip 0 0 0
1st Author Name 20xx Contrast Descrip 0 0 0

List of Studies

Specific, key studies

Study list: Coordinate based

Neurosynth results for coordinate(s)

<list studies here from Neurosynth database>