====== Region Name ====== **Creating an entry:** [[creating_getting_started|Getting started (remove this once you've completed an entry)]] Summary (2-3 sentences here). ===== Image and Location ===== Neurosynth structure image: Neurosynth connectivity image: ===== Searches ===== === Searches so far: === **word** [search_in] and/or/not_operators **word** [all] e.g., RVM [all] and Fields [author] === Most important references === (classic papers, best papers) APA 5th format from Endnote, e.g., Fields, H. L. (2000). Pain modulation: expectation, opioid analgesia and virtual pain.Progress in brain research, 122, 245-253. === Link to Endnote === {{:sample_endnote_library.enlp.zip|Endnote Package Library (with PDFs)}} ===== Structure ===== ==== Inputs ==== Name, and code Strength (L, M, H), Confidence (L, M, H), Transmitter(s) ==== Outputs ==== Name, and code Strength (L, M, H), Confidence (L, M, H), Transmitter(s) ===== Functions ===== ==== Summary list ==== ==== Function Area 1 [Name] ==== === Effects of stimulation === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Effects of lesions/inactivation === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Effects of microinjection === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Optogenetics === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Other === ==== Function Area 2 [Name] ==== === Effects of stimulation === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Effects of lesions/inactivation === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Effects of microinjection === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Optogenetics === * List with references. * Unordered List Item === Other === ===== Studies activating ===== ==== Coordinates ==== **Coordinates (x, y, z):** [0, 0, 0] , [0, 0, 0] Say how overall coordinates were derived here (single study? average? structural landmark?) **Specific study coordinates** (if not too many) ^ Study ^ Description ^ x ^ y ^ z ^ | 1st Author Name 20xx | Contrast Descrip | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 1st Author Name 20xx | Contrast Descrip | 0 | 0 | 0 | | 1st Author Name 20xx | Contrast Descrip | 0 | 0 | 0 | ==== List of Studies ==== === Specific, key studies === === Study list: Coordinate based === Neurosynth results for coordinate(s)