See {{:analysis:task:shortcut-task.pdf|Shortcut task description}} for a full description of the shortcut task. === expKeys === General experiment information (examples taken from R068 day1) * ExpKeys.behavior : eg. 'Shortcut'; * : eg. 'dCA1'; % right * : eg. 1; % ranges from 1-8, different shortcut/novel configuration each day Track dimensions in inches * ExpKeys.tracklen : eg. 12; * ExpKeys.midnode : eg. 1.5; * ExpKeys.endnode : eg. 2.5; Rat specific information * ExpKeys.weight : eg. 455; % in g Experiment specific positions * ExpKeys.led1_xy : eg. [521,473]; % estimate from plotting rat position data * ExpKeys.led2_xy : eg. [623,57]; % estimate from plotting rat position data * ExpKeys.led_radius : eg. 30; % estimate from plotting rat position data * ExpKeys.pedestal_xy : eg. [300,210]; % estimate from plotting rat position data Experiment phase times * as in task description above, units are seconds (s)