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analysis:course:week1 [2013/11/21 16:15]
mvdm [Be backup-aware]
analysis:course:week1 [2014/06/22 18:55]
Line 67: Line 67:
 Use a FTP client such as [[https://​​|Filezilla]] or ''​WinSCP''​ to connect to the lab FTP server, ''​mvdmlab-nas1''​ ( Configure your FTP client to require "​explicit FTP over TLS" and use ''​BIOL680''​ as username and password. In the ''​BIOL680''​ folder, download the folder ''​R016-2012-10-08''​. A good place to put this folder is in ''​D:​\data\promoted\R016\''​. (In general you want to keep your data separate from your code; for instance, multiple analysis projects may use the same data, so you don't want to duplicate it.) Use a FTP client such as [[https://​​|Filezilla]] or ''​WinSCP''​ to connect to the lab FTP server, ''​mvdmlab-nas1''​ ( Configure your FTP client to require "​explicit FTP over TLS" and use ''​BIOL680''​ as username and password. In the ''​BIOL680''​ folder, download the folder ''​R016-2012-10-08''​. A good place to put this folder is in ''​D:​\data\promoted\R016\''​. (In general you want to keep your data separate from your code; for instance, multiple analysis projects may use the same data, so you don't want to duplicate it.)
 +Correct FileZilla configuration is the following:
 +{{ :​analysis:​course:​ftp_config.png?​600 |}}
 You will have to be on campus to connect. If you still cannot log in to the server, send me your IP address and I will temporarily enable access for you. IF it still does not work, get the .zip {{:​analysis:​course:​|here}}. You will have to be on campus to connect. If you still cannot log in to the server, send me your IP address and I will temporarily enable access for you. IF it still does not work, get the .zip {{:​analysis:​course:​|here}}.
analysis/course/week1.txt ยท Last modified: 2018/04/17 15:20 (external edit)