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Overview of common functions

Utility functions

Utility functions common to multiple data types

  • restrict(): restricts times in data object (iv, ts, tsd) to specific intervals
  • getd(): helper function to return data corresponding to label target_field

Utility functions associated with specific data types

interval (iv)

iv folder on GitHub


Simple operations:

  • ResizeIV(): expand or contract intervals by specified amount
  • InvertIV(): “flips” included intervals to non-included, and vice versa
  • MergeIV(): merge touching, overlapping, or nearby intervals within an iv struct

Set operations:

  • UnionIV(): set union of iv objects
  • IntersectIV(): set intersect, keep only those iv1's that include a piece of iv2
  • DifferenceIV(): set difference, keep only those iv1's that DO NOT include a piece of iv2

Analysis operations:

  • TSDtoIV(): create interval data from tsd by tresholding
  • MultiRaster(): see below


timestamps (ts)

ts folder on GitHub


Analysis operations:


  • MultiRaster(): see below

timestamped data (tsd)

tsd folder on GitHub

Basics and selection:

  • tsd(): constructor
  • CheckTSD(): check integrity of tsd struct
  • getd(): get (raw) data with specified label
  • TSD_SelectChannel(): returns tsd containing only channels with labels in channel_label


  • MergeTSD(): Merge data from multiple TSDs into a single, new TSD
  • UnionTSD(): returns the union (merge) of two TSD inputs


  • TSD_getidx2(): returns idxs into ts or tsd, delimited by input interval(s)
  • TSDbyZ(): compute averages of the values in tsd_in binned by z's cfg.edge
  • TSDbySpace(): construct 2D matrix with spatial averages of the values in tsd_in

tuning curve (tc)

Low-level utility functions

  • nearest_idx3(): return the indices of lookupvalues that are closest to the numbers in data
  • ndhist(): fast N-dimensional histogram (useful for plotting place fields)

Visualization functions

Loading/converting functions

Analysis functions

analysis/matlab-overview.1499028592.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/07 10:19 (external edit)