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analysis:rhythms [2016/03/29 19:16]
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analysis:rhythms [2020/01/15 20:00]
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-Welcome! This is the home page for the optional hands-on (heads-on) 2016 edition of the "​Rhythmic Brain" course. 
-==== Contents ==== 
-  * [[analysis:​rhythms:​step1|Module 1: from zero to loading and plotting Emotiv data]] 
-  * [[analysis:​rhythms:​step2|Module 2: Fourier analysis and power spectra]] 
-=== Getting started with MATLAB === 
-Depending on your background and programming experience you might find the following resources helpful: 
-  * Textbook: {{:​analysis:​wallisch_matlabforneuro.pdf|Wallisch,​ MATLAB for Neuroscientists}} 
-  * [[http://​​help/​matlab/​getting-started-with-matlab.html?​s_cid=learn_doc|"​Getting Started with MATLAB"​ Primer]]. ​ 
-  * [[http://​​matlabcentral/​about/​cody/​ | Cody]], a continually expanding set of problems with solutions to work through, with a points system to track your progress 
-If you are unsure, take a look at the table of contents of the MATLAB Primer in the link above. If there are things you don't recognize, use the Primer itself, or Chapter 2 of the MATLAB for Neuroscientists book to get up to speed. If you've never used MATLAB, definitely start with the steps in the Primer. 
-Regardless of your MATLAB abilities, some great ways to keep learning are: 
-  * [[http://​​ | Mathworks staff blogs]], especially "Loren on the Art of MATLAB"​ is a treasure trove of tips and tricks 
-  * [[http://​​questions/​tagged/​matlab | MATLAB questions on StackOverflow]],​ a Q&A site where you can browse previous questions and add new ones 
-If you have no formal training in computer programming (i.e. you have never taken a "Intro to Computer Science"​ or "​Introductory Programming"​ type course) a great introduction to the "Zen of programming"​ is to do the pen-and-paper exercises in this [[http://​​rodrego/​files/​2011/​03/​Secrets-of-Computer-Power-Revealed-2008.pdf | short chapter]] by Daniel Dennett ("The Secrets of Computer Power Revealed"​) before you embark on the MATLAB primer linked to above. Most people find it frustrating at first, but rewarding if they stick with it for a few hours. 
-=== Resources === 
-Emotiv documentation:​ 
-  * {{:​analysis:​quickstartguide2014.pdf|Quick Start Guide}} 
-  * {{:​analysis:​emotiv_epoc_specifications_2014.pdf|Specification Sheet}} 
-The following textbooks provide more in-depth treatment of some of the topics we touch on in the course: 
-  * Textbook: Leis, Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB for Students and Researchers 
-  * Textbook: Johnston and Wu, Foundations of Cellular Neurophysiology 
-  * Textbook: Dayan & Abbott, Theoretical Neuroscience 
-These are selected modules from a graduate course I teach on neural data analysis: 
-   * [[analysis:​nsb2015:​week0|Principles of (neural) data analysis]] 
-   * [[analysis:​course-w16:​week1|Module 1: Setting up (MATLAB, paths, GitHub, accessing data)]] 
-   * [[analysis:​course-w16:​week2|Module 2: Introduction to neural data formats and preprocessing]] 
-   * [[analysis:​course-w16:​week3long|Module 3: Visualizing raw neural data in MATLAB]] 
-   * [[analysis:​course-w16:​week4|Module 4: Anatomy of time series data, sampling theory]] 
-   * [[analysis:​course-w16:​week5|Module 5: Fourier series, transforms, power spectra]] 
-   * [[analysis:​course-w16:​week6|Module 6: Filtering: filter design, use, caveats]] 
-   * [[analysis:​course-w16:​week7|Module 7: Time-frequency analysis: spectrograms]] 
-   * [[analysis:​course-w16:​week11|Module 11: Interactions between multiple signals: coherence, Granger causality, and phase-slope index]] 
-   * [[analysis:​course-w16:​week12|Module 12: Time-frequency analysis II: cross-frequency coupling]] ​ 
-   * [[analysis:​course-w16:​week13|Module 13: Spike-field relationships:​ spike-triggered average, phase locking, phase precession]] 
-=== Note for Linux users === 
-The lab codebase is set up for machines running 64-bit Windows 7 or Mac %%OS%% X. If you want to use Linux or some other %%OS%% you will probably need to compile some of the low-level loading functions yourself. Some pointers for this are provided in subsequent modules when loading is introduced. 
analysis/rhythms.txt ยท Last modified: 2018/04/17 15:20 (external edit)