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analysis:rhythms:step1 [2016/03/30 19:22]
rhythms-16 [Configuring MATLAB]
analysis:rhythms:step1 [2018/04/17 15:20] (current)
Line 47: Line 47:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-(obviously, if you placed the code in some different place, substitute that.)+Obviously, if you placed the code in some different place, substitute that. Also, it may be that your computer prefers forward slashes (''​\''​) instead of backslashes (''/''​)!
 Now you've told MATLAB to add this new location to the list of places it looks for commands (the "​path"​). To check that MATLAB can find our shiny new EDF loader, do ''​which edfread''​. If things are set up right, MATLAB should reply with the location of where the ''​edfread.m''​ file is located, and you're all set for the final step below. Now you've told MATLAB to add this new location to the list of places it looks for commands (the "​path"​). To check that MATLAB can find our shiny new EDF loader, do ''​which edfread''​. If things are set up right, MATLAB should reply with the location of where the ''​edfread.m''​ file is located, and you're all set for the final step below.
analysis/rhythms/step1.txt ยท Last modified: 2018/04/17 15:20 (external edit)