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=== News === 2014-08-18 The latest version of the data analysis tutorial is [[analysis:nsb2014|here]] (used at NS&B 2014). There is also an [[analysis:cosmo2014|extended version]] of the ensemble decoding tutorial (used at CoSMo 2014) --- //[[|mvdm]] 2014/08/18 13:55// 2013-04-25 The new [[analysis:neuralynx|Neuralynx data loading page]] shows how to include code fragments. --- //[[|mvdm]] 2013/04/25 16:37// 2013-03-20\\ I added a description of the [[guides:homemade:rr2commutator|RR2 commutator]] as an example of a useful reference document. It has links to the manufacturer's datasheet and includes the relevant schematic. --- //[[|mvdm]] 2013/03/20 11:59//\\ 2013-03-18\\ Permissions are now set so that anyone who joins cannot even read any pages; an admin (currently only --- //[[|mvdm]] 2013/03/18 16:29//) has to add new users to the mvdmlab group before you can read or edit anything. I added everyone to this group.\\ === ToDo === * add your contact details to the [[people:contactlist|Lab Members]] list!

start.txt · Last modified: 2018/04/17 15:20 (external edit)